Announcement : 

Enrolment Information

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Pompallier Catholic College. 

You will find all the information you need to know about enrolling at our college below, and also under the “Preference Enrolment” and “Non-Preference Enrolment” pages of our website.

Enrolment Process

All applications should be made in the year preceding attendance, as the college does not hold early applications.

The Pompallier Catholic College Board of Trustees has implemented an Enrolment Policy, which can be viewed here.

Each year, applications will be accepted from the date enrolments open, and must be received by the closing date.  Exact dates will be confirmed each year on our website.

Completed enrolment application forms, together with all the requested supporting documents, should be presented or posted to the college office, by the published closing date for applications each year.

Enrolment applications received after the published closing date shall be added to any waitlist arising from the enrolment process.

For any enrolment enquiries please contact Kelli Adams by phone on 438 3950, ext 201, or email:


2025 Enrolments

Preference enrolments for 2025 closed on Friday 2 August, 2024. 

At the closing date for enrolments we had more applications than there were places available and are therefore currently operating a waiting list.

As per our Enrolment Policy (which can be viewed above), applications received after the advertised closing date for 2025 enrolments shall be added to any waitlist arising from the enrolment process.  

Enrolment Application packs are available from the college office, can be downloaded below, or you can request a pack to be posted to you by phoning the college office.

Please note that all preference enrolments must have the original preference certificate provided with the application.  Please refer to our Preference Enrolment page for further information.

Please ensure that all requested documents are included, as per the application checklist on the back page of the enrolment form.  Applications cannot be submitted to the college unless all the necessary documents are provided.

Completed application forms should be presented to the college office, or posted to PO Box 10-042, Te Mai, Whangarei 0143. 

Unfortunately, there are no Non-Preference places available in 2025.


Enrolment Forms

Please click on the following links to download our enrolment application forms for 2025:

Enrolment Application Form
Compulsory Attendance Dues Agreement
Student Use of Digital Devices Agreement


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