Announcement : 

Examinations and Progress


Senior students sit school examinations in relevant subjects during September.  These precede NCEA Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 examinations.  They form part of the internal assessment requirements for most NCEA subjects.

Years 9 and 10 have end-of-year (November) exams in their core subjects.

Year 10 students are also required to sit the NCEA co-requisite exams in May and again in September if necessary.  These exams, known as Common Assessment Activities, assess students’ skills in numeracy and literacy.

Where appropriate, from Years 7 to 10, other core and option subjects are tested in class, over one or two hours, at the same time of year.


Measuring Progress

All students from Years 7 – 10 are assessed against the NZ National Curriculum levels twice a year.

Parents, students and staff can monitor progress in Reading, Writing and Maths over these years.



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