Announcement : 


We are a Catholic State Integrated College, Year 7 – 13, with systems and curriculum that reflect our Catholic, Marist and Te Tai Tokerau whakapapa.  Our modern school is located in an attractive green environment on the city edge.

The school has outstanding ERO reports, a positive and supported learning environment, and exceptional academic outcomes for all students.

Below are any vacancies we have available at the College, along with our application pack documents.

Please read the “Important notes for Applicants” page included in the Application document, for information on the supporting documents we require with your application.  Applications for any positions must also include a CV and covering letter.

All applicants for any position at our College need to be willing to undergo a Police Vetting check.

Applications can be returned either via mail to the College office, or electronically to:



We do not currently have any vacancies.




Please click on the following links to download our application forms (for Teaching positions only):

Application – Teacher

Job Description – Teacher

Job Description – Whanau Teacher

Job Description – Special Character

Special Character Statement

Cl-47 Form

Thank you for your interest in applying for a position at our College.


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